Private/Semi-Private Lessons

For those interested in receiving more individualized instruction. Semi-private or private lessons will help you progress more rapidly and allow you to focus on improving specific skills.  We are excited to announce that we have established relationships with some well-known Tennis Pros and Certified Tennis Instructors from the Waterloo Area, who are available to offer private and semi-private lessons to BPHA Members at our Recreation Facility. Rates for lessons will be determined by the instructor.
If you are interested in booking a private/semi private lesson, please:
1. Contact the pro directly to make arrangements.
2. Reserve a court using the online booking system. Enter the Instructor/Pro as "Player 2" 
Tennis Pros/Instructors: 

Ed Andrulis  -  

Milan Kepka  -  519-729-8796

Alex Costea - 226-750-0482

Latifa Mnyusiwalla -






Beechwood Park Homes Association
293 Shakespeare Drive
Waterloo, ON N2L 2T9

Mailing address:
PO Box 22016
Westmount PO
50 Westmount Rd N
Waterloo, ON N2L 2R0


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