Topline ideas from the P& D Team

Ideas for site development. Generated during 2019 by Duane Chris, Paul Struck, Katie Gibb & Dianne Ratcliffe. FYI these ideas were developed with more restrictions on our thinking then exits today. In many ways the work of this team helped the Board to launch the current Site Renewal project. Hopefully, sharing these ideas will help stimulate YOUR thoughts and ideas for what the next 50 years can hold for our Rec Centre.

  • Cut back slopes on 2 sides of pool, expanding pool deck area and entrance hard surface area. Use some form of stone retaining walls in both sloped areas.
  • Artificial turf or mulch under large Norway maple. Perhaps box in area with a bench around the perimeter.
  • Install rear utility gate along rear fence line to allow access of equipment and easier access to public space for programming. (size TBD) Also do repairs to existing chain link fence and gate on west side of courts.
  • Water Slide with Collection Basin or Wading Pool: A water slide is proposed to follow the slope of the hill. It would be located by the Ash tree trunk & potentially incorporated into a tree fort, where the floor of the fort would be the landing at the top of the slide. A small pool at the base of the slide would collect water & children. The water would be pumped back up to the top of the slide. Option: The collection pool could be a wading pool for young children. Option: The trunk of the Ash tree could be a fountain from which the returning water would be pumped back onto the slide.
  • Explore the idea of fencing off the pool area as a way of enabling tennis players access to washrooms when the pool is open, but unsupervised.
  • Explore ways to permit access to washrooms for tennis players before and after the pool season. The tennis season is much longer then the pool season.
  • Explore ways to add basketball hoop on tennis court fence (single backboard on fence on west side of courts
  • Cistern or Dry Well or Rain Barrels: Located behind gazebo to collect roof runoff from downspouts. Also rain barrels at pool house.
  • Collect Grey Water: Collect the water discharging from the hand wash sink & the shower outside the pool house. This grey water can be used in toilets, to water the garden beside the pool house facing the parking lot (using a trickle irrigation line), to water planters.
  • Hydronic Solar Panels: Located on pool house roof, sun facing sections. Similar to the pool heating system, but the warm/hot water would be available for the outdoor shower, bathroom sinks, sink outside the pool house.
  • Maximize the Ash tree trunk: utilize it in design for deck/ stage/playhouse/fort for kids; have it chain sawed into amazing art piece; add carved figures to it for a sense of whimsy.
  • Creating a space for plaques, acknowledging donations to the BPHA. Maybe on inside of brick wall?
  • Need landscape architect to produce/refine drawing for site development plan.
  • Adding ‘fairy doors’ at our large tree, just for fun and to foster a sense of ‘delight amongst members of all ages. This could be expanded throughout the neighbourhood with willing homeowners and likely a grant could be obtained from the City.
  • Rebuild front garden bed (the bed to the right hand side of the front gates. While it was ‘updated’ in 2016, it really needs a retaining wall, new soil, plants, etc. Currently it is infested with a strangulating weed.
  • Gazebo: extend current patio stones right to fence line; eliminating current garden/mulched space.
  • New bike racks for parking lot (dependent on final site plan)


Beechwood Park Homes Association
293 Shakespeare Drive
Waterloo, ON N2L 2T9

Mailing address:
PO Box 22016
Westmount PO
50 Westmount Rd N
Waterloo, ON N2L 2R0


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